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Heavy metals & baby products
Joonya came into being out of concern for the harmful chemicals that we were unknowingly exposing our children to. When you consider that diapers and wipes are in almost permanent contact with your baby, its important to know whether they contain harmful chemicals that could absorb into your baby’s thin layer of skin.
Joonya wipes ranked #1 in USA for ingredient safety – again!
We have just found out some exciting news that Joonya has again been ranked #1 out of 39 baby wipes brands in the USA for the safety of our ingredients...
Rise of the informed consumer
It wasn’t long ago that people trusted big business. Bigger was seen as better, and trust was equated to size. The dawn of the internet saw information democratized, and when...
6 classic books for children under 2 years
If you are like most parents, book time can be a chore, especially when the material can be a little, um (how shall we say this)…boring. Sometimes you can be...
Choosing a wipes brand for your baby
When stuck in the thick of the baby changing years, the topic of which baby wipe to use can seem rather important. Get it wrong, and you could be seeing...
The story of Joonya so far
Believe it or not, the Joonya brand actually began its journey as a social network connecting parents in 2014! With around 10,000 members at its peak, the birth of our...